New Nevada Firearm Safety Law Requires Gun Locks For Sales and Transfers
Adopted in the 2023 legislative session, amendments to existing Nevada gun safety laws implemented changes to state firearm laws, effective July 1, 2023. A key provision now requires licensed dealers to provide a gun lock with every gun sale or transfer. Other new provisions strengthen firearm safety law provisions. If you are a Nevada resident or visitor who owns or carries a firearm, or you are considering purchasing a gun, you should be familiar with these new laws, as well as all the other laws that apply to owning and carrying a firearm in the state.
Gun Locks Now Required
The new law enacted in Senate Bill 294 requires all licensed gun dealers to provide a locking device with every sale or transfer of a gun. While many gun dealers already provided a lock to buyers, the requirement is now mandatory. Violation can result in a criminal charge.
The requirement is part of changes to existing Nevada gun laws that relate to firearm safety. The gun lock provision was one of the primary changes in the law. Using a gun lock may help to protect against a firearm being used against the person owning or carrying it. The lock also may help prevent reckless gun violence and guard against a child being able to use a gun that is not properly stored or secured.
Existing Nevada law prohibits a person from aiding or knowingly permitting a child to handle a firearm under specific circumstances or negligently storing or leaving a firearm in a location that poses a substantial risk of a child obtaining the firearm. In addition to the provision requiring licensed dealers to provide gun locks, the new law also requires a licensed dealer to pose a notice in a conspicuous place advising buyers and customers that negligent storage of a firearm may result in imprisonment or a fine. Failure to comply with the new provisions may subject a licensed dealer to a misdemeanor charge punishable by a fine of up to $500.
Additional New Gun Safety Provisions
The gun law amendments include other provisions relating to school safety issues arising from firearm use. Existing law requires school officials to establish a committee to develop a plan for responding to a crisis, emergency, or suicide. The new amendments require a school district with school police officers to include in the plan specific provisions for coordination with local law enforcement agencies to train the school police officers in active assailant movement techniques. The law also requires school police officers to receive training in active assailant movement techniques prior to beginning service as a school police officer.
The new law also requires school plans to include coordination with local law enforcement or public safety organizations to provide active assailant training to school employees. In addition, schools are required to provide certain support to students, faculty, and staff who experience a crisis or emergency and ensure that faculty and staff and parents and guardians are notified of the occurrence, development, and conclusion of a crisis or emergency. The law also requires schools to inform parents and legal guardians of students of state requirements relating to firearm storage.
Finally, the gun law amendments include specific requirements that apply to the existing Statewide Program for Suicide Prevention, which operates within the Department of Health and Human Services. The provisions require development of a safe firearm storage education campaign to inform and educate regarding the safe storage of firearms. The materials are to be provided to local law enforcement agencies, health care providers, and firearm owners.
The Program is also to post on the internet or network site information about community programs that enable gun owners to store a firearm voluntarily and temporarily at certain secure locations outside their homes. In addition, the Program is required to post information relating to the crime of negligent storage of a firearm, applicable penalties, and the gun lock requirement.
Gun Safety in Nevada
For everyone who owns or carries a firearm, gun safety is a paramount concern. The State of Nevada encourages safe firearm storage by making it a misdemeanor to negligently store or leave a gun at a location under your control, if you know or have reason to know that there is a substantial risk that a child under the age of 18 years can access the firearm. The penalty for a violation is up to six months in jail, up to $1,000 in fines, or both.
If you are buying a gun or already own one, it’s essential to be familiar with all the laws that apply to carrying a gun in Las Vegas and the rest of Nevada and understand the state’s potential gun possession violations. Making certain that you know what gun laws allow and prohibit is the only way to make certain you do not face firearm criminal charges.
If you face any type of criminal charge involving guns, getting representation from a knowledgeable firearm defense attorney is the only way to present the best possible defense to the charge.
Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Las Vegas Firearm and Weapon Defense Attorney
Las Vegas criminal defense attorney Joseph Gersten represents visitors and residents on all federal and state gun charges in Clark County and in other Nevada jurisdictions. As an approved Concealed Firearm Instructor for Nevada and Utah who has certification from the National Rifle Association (NRA) in more than nine (9) disciplines, Joseph Gersten knows and understands firearms and knows how to defend aggressively against all firearm and weapon charges. Contact The Gersten Law Firm to schedule your free consultation.